Apologies Folks!
As we know,
It takes all sorts to make this world
This world is made of several billion combinations and permutations of genes..(karmas?)
Not everyone is fortunate enough to be born to good parents and clean environment
Some are born in pervert conditions – they are depraved by default!
Whether it is their Karma that they are born to corrupt & immoral families
Or our karma that we have to mandatorily co-exist with such entities…
Is not to be discussed…rather not be discussed!!
I am just writing this because couple of ‘sexually explicit’ images
Were displayed on my timeline on Facebook
And my inbox got filled with shocked expressions –
Be rest assured folks – such images will never be tagged from my side
Some corrupt, immoral, depraved BEEP must have gone on spreading his ‘frustration’ spree
Early in the morning today!
We all just need to ‘turn a blind eye’ – after all we are Indians…
Humble, noble, subservient, complacent…ever-forgiving MEEKS
Take care.